Thursday 22 August 2013

How To Stay Active During University (Plus Working)

During the university semester I find it extremely difficult to maintain my weekly workout regime. I work part time and that makes things even more difficult, not impossible of course but DIFFICULT. Lectures and tutorials for me have always been all over the place, some are in the morning and others in the afternoon however I have managed to find myself a nice workout timetable that fits in with uni and work. It's a little something like this:

Monday: Body Pump 6:15 am
Tuesday: Morning Walk 4 km @ 7 am
Wednesday: Yoga @ 6:15 am & Body Pump @ 9:15 am
Thursday: Yoga @ 6:15 am
Friday: RPM Class @ 6:15 am

I try to fit in a pump class on Saturday's also and Sunday is my rest day. I usually have an 'active' rest day though as I enjoy going for a brisk walk or swimming.


Image thanks to Pinterest.

I hope this post helps anyone who is struggling to fit in an exercise routine whilst at university AND working! Let me know what your exercise routine looks like :)


  1. I have been struggling to stick to a workout schedule while finishing up my courses. I tried to work out early in the morning which worked until I started to need sleep. I am going to try it again since it gives me energy to last the day.

    1. Hi there,

      Sorry about the late reply! Yes it's so hard to fit everything in especially when deadlines approach! Either way I hope your studies went well :) x
